Living Together in Nakano by YWKZ Seminar
The way to take out garbage
The way to throw garbage in Japan is kind of distinctive. For example, in Nakano Ward, it can be classified into ① burnable garbage ② pottery · glass · metal waste (these are usually "garbage") ③trash paper ④ bottles / cans / plastic bottles ⑤ plastic containers packaging (these are usually "resources") 5 types.
So, for example, do you know the packing of the bread you had for lunch should be classified in to which one from ① to ⑤? Actually, it is classified as either ① burnable garbage or ⑤ plastic containers packaging depending on how dirty it is. ⑤ When classified as plastic container packaging, this packing is collected as resources. Therefore, you have to empty the contents, remove the dirt and put it out. In case of the soiling that can not be removed, it is classified as ① burnable garbage.
Why should I classify the garbage like this in Japan? Actually, this classification of garbage is the essential of "recycling".
For example, let's think about recycling plastic bottles. If you do not recycle PET bottles, carbon dioxide will produce by burning them with the burnable garbage. Space is also required for landfill disposal facility. And in order to make new PET bottles, it is necessary to use petroleum. On the other hand, when recycling PET bottles, it will not need to burn them, so it will not emit carbon dioxide, and nor a landfill disposal facility will be necessary.
Also, we will recycle the recycled PET bottles as resources to make new PET bottles, which reduces the use of petroleum as raw materials.
Like this, recycling can reduce the use of the landfill disposal facilities as much as possible and effectively utilize limited resources such as petroleum. Besides, there are many products that are recycled and newly made, such as waste paper such as newspapers and magazines are remade as toilet paper, etc. By throwing garbage by classify them will make a big impact on the environment and society.
Now, many municipalities, towns and villages are distributing lists showing garbage classification in an easy-to-understand manner in multiple languages. In Nakano Ward, you can download the Japanese version, English version, Chinese version or Hangul version. Why don't you try classifying garbage for the environment and society?
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