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Noise / Wearing shoes indoor is banned


Speaking loudly, having parties and listening to the music with high volume, etc. might be annoying the surrounding residents. 
There is no such a culture of having parties in Japan, and the volume of speaking seems to differ depending on the country and culture. There are actually many cases of complaining from the neighboring residents due to noise.

In those cases, there are complains such as "I can not sleep because it is too noisy". Let's do not gather too many people after midnight, be aware of making too much noise even during daytime and consider if you will bother the residents living around by your every move.

○No wearing shoes indoor

In Japanese housing, it is common to take off your shoes at the entrance. This is related to the unique sleeping space culture in Japan. Even though beds are prevalent in Japan today, most Japanese people were sleeping on futon spread over tatami in the past.


Therefore, floor is just like the bed for Japanese. Even if you are using a bed instead of a futon, you can keep your room cleaner by taking off your shoes at the entrance. If you live with your shoes on, footsteps might be heard on the lower floor and cause troubles. Let's follow the rule of no wearing shoes indoor, in order to keep the room clean and to avoid troubles between neighbors.


Shoes -box「なぜ西洋では家の中でも靴を履くの!?その理由は就寝スタイルにあった!

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