Living Together in Nakano by YWKZ Seminar

We have held events such as the Presentation Contest on multicultural symbiosis society among universities, the informal gathering between foreign students and Nakano's Ward Mayor in 2015 in order to build up a comfortable living enviroment for all foreigners regardless of their nationality and form a multicultural symbiosis society. We believe that solving residence issues which were found out through these activities is a contribution to the formation of a multicultural symbiosis society.
Therefore, in 2016, we focused on residence issues in Nakano by researching interviews to the real estate companies, organizing meetings between foreign residents and real estate companies to exchange ideas, visiting the guarantor company specialized for foreigners.
Through these ongoing activities and investigations, we believe that the main reason of foreigner's housing issues is "Lack of mutual understanding". It is because during the interviews and meetings to exchange ideas, there were so many people think that they don't understand the differences in culture and living environment of each other.
From that point, in order to promote mutual understanding ,we believe that it is neccessary to set up an HP that can introduce each other 's culture and living environment. The reason why we used this method is because it is easy to access, remain in shape, and easily spread.
This HP provides information about real estate companies in Nakano or 'Domestic and Foreign housing situations' ,'foreign life habit' to the real estate companies , Japanese landlords and foreigners. This HP aims at helping Japanese and foreigners to understand mutually the differences in culture, living environment then be able to compromise.
※This homepage was established with the cooperation of Global Trust Network Ltd, the guarantor company specialized for foreigners mentioned above.
The population of Japan began to decline at the peak of 2008, while it is expected to decrease more than 30% in 50 years. Since the needs of human resources supporting globalization are increasing in the future, the number of foreigners living in Japan is expected to increase gradually dependently.Forming a multicultural symbiosis society where people from different countries and ethnic groups living together is a big issue for Japan in the 21st century.
In this seminar, we have done some surveys about the environment surrounding foreign residents and international students, and the problems they are facing while living in Japan, targeting the foreigners living in Nakano-ku and Shinjuku-ku, where the population of foreigners is increasing.
Based on the survey, we have made efforts to set up opportunities that allow the administration and foreign residents to discuss about the issue which was mentioned, and to improve the current situation by providing recommendations on policy.
In the future, we are going to understand the fundamental issues related to the formation of multicultural symbiosis society, and by promoting surveys, to find the roles which the country, municipalities, civic groups, companies and universities should play.
<The Japanese issues that Yamawaki Seminar thinks about>
<The activities of Yamawaki Seminar>
<The purposes and the process of creating this homepage>